LawnPride Rootmaxx 5L Concentrate

Price $92.40

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate is a complex formulated liquid starter Fertiliser with natural plant hormones that aid and promote root development in your lawn.

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate has a range of active ingredients such as Nitrogen (N – 10g/L), Phosphorous (P – 13g/L), Potassium (K – 5g/L), Zinc (Zn – 1g/L) and Organics (20g/L).

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate has an application rate of 250mL/100sqm for your lawn. 

Grasses suitable for LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate are Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo.


LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate is a complex formulated liquid starter Fertiliser with natural plant hormones that aid and promote root development in your lawn. 

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate has a range of active ingredients such as Nitrogen (N – 10g/L), Phosphorous (P – 13g/L), Potassium (K – 5g/L), Zinc (Zn – 1g/L) and Organics (20g/L).

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate has an application rate of 250mL/100sqm for your lawn. 

Grasses suitable for LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate are Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo.

LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate provides excellent penetration, outstanding retention, and improved uniformity.

**As with all lawn products please read the label on the LawnPride RootMaxx 5L Concentrate product first before applying.