LawnPride Greenxtra 5L Concentrate

Price $51.28

LawnPride GreenXtra 5L Concentrate is a liquid fertiliser containing stabilised Nitrogen, Iron and Magnesium that provides extra lawn green-up without excessive growth. The fertiliser has the active ingredients of Nitrogen (N – 5 g/L)), Iron (Fe – 1.5 g/L), Magnesium (Mg – 0.25 g/L), Sulphur (S – 1.23 g/L) and is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch, Buffalo grasses.

The application rate for LawnPride GreenXtra 5L Concentrate is 200mL/100sqm.


LawnPride GreenXtra 5L Concentrate is a liquid fertiliser containing stabilised Nitrogen, Iron and Magnesium that provides extra lawn green-up without excessive growth. The fertiliser has the active ingredients of Nitrogen (N – 5 g/L)), Iron (Fe – 1.5 g/L), Magnesium (Mg – 0.25 g/L), Sulphur (S – 1.23 g/L) and is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch, Buffalo grasses.

The application rate for LawnPride GreenXtra 5L Concentrate is 200mL/100sqm.

Features and Benefits

  • Extra greening of your lawn.
  • Extra vitality.
  • Extra lawn wear ability.
  • Extra lawn vigour.

Application for concentrate spraying of LawnPride GreenXtra 5L

  • Mix 250mL with 6L of clean water.
  • Treats 100sqm.
  • Apply with spray equipment.

Application for refilling GreenXtra 2L Hose on

  • Add 500mL of concentrate to GreenXtra 2L Hose On bottle.
  • Fill the remainder of Hose On bottle with clean water.
  • Treats 200sqm.

Please adhere to wearing appropriate PPE gear when applying GreenXtra.

Apply GreenXtra in the cool hours of the day and it does not require watering-in after application.

Please note

  • This product contains the micro nutrient Iron. Iron may stain concrete, masonry and other hard surfaces. Apply product with caution around these surfaces.
  • Permanent staining may occur.
  • Remove from these surfaces promptly through rinsing with clean water.

*Please note all prices include GST.

*As with all lawn products please read the label on LawnPride GreenXtra 5L Concentrate first before applying.