Campbells Poa Chek 1L

Price $115.21

Poachek 1L is a superior soluble liquid post-emergent Herbicide for the selective control of Wintergrass.

Poachek is suitable for use on Couch, Bent and Buffalo grasses at an application rate of 15mL/100m.

Cannot be used on Kikuyu grass.

The active ingredient of Poachek 1L is Endothal (175g/L).


SKU: 1PHPOACHEK1 Vendor: Campbell Chemicals Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Poachek 1L Information 

Poachek 1L is a liquid post-emergent Herbicide for the selective control of Wintergrass on Buffalo, Bent and Couch grasses.

Cannot be used on Kikuyu grass.

To achieve the greatest BENEFITS of Poachek 1L:

  • Apply on dry lawn.
  • Allow your lawn to dry for at least 24 hours before watering or rain. 
  • Make sure your only wet the Wintergrass do not soak it with the spray. 
  • You may need to re-apply 2-4 applications every 10 – 14 days when the Wintergrass is established, and seed head is present. 
  • Apply newly germinated weeds.
  • Use an efficient spray pack applicator to apply the liquid as a fine mist.

DO NOT mix Poachek 1L with anything except Blazon (non-staining dye spray indicator). 

DO NOT allow stock to graze any treated lawn Poachek areas. 

DO NOT feed lawn clippings from any Poachek treated area to poultry or livestock. 

DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with Poachek or used containers.

Please adhere to wearing appropriate PPE gear when applying Poachek 1L.

*As with all lawn products please read the label on Poachek 1L before first applying.