Bow and Arrow Herbicide


Bow and Arrow 500mL is a liquid herbicide with outstanding broadleaf control at very low application rates of active ingredient – Clopyralid (20g/L), Diflufenican (15g/L), MCPA (300g/L).

Bow and Arrow is suitable for Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses, however, transient discolouration may occur on Kikuyu, Carpet and Queensland Blue Couch lawns.

Bow and Arrow liquid herbicide controls broadleaf weeds including White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s Ear, Bindii, Cudweed and Creeping Oxalis.

Bow and Arrow’s recommended application rate is 50mL in 2-5 litres water/100sqm.

For more effective results, use Bow and Arrow with Wetter 600.

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SKU: 1PHBOWARR500 Vendor: Turf Culture Categories: , , Tags: , , , , , , ,

Bow and Arrow 500mL Information 

Bow and Arrow 500mL is one of the most effective broadleaf liquid herbicides on the market. Bow and Arrow provides control of broadleaf weeds including White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s Ear, Bindii, Cudweed and Creeping Oxalis.

The main benefits of Bow and Arrow include:

  • Very low application rates of active ingredients – Clopyralid (20g/L), Diflufenican (15g/L), MCPA (300g/L) which also improve resistance management.
  • One standard application rate.
  • Superior lawn safety for both warm and cool season grasses.
  • No strong odour.

Bow and Arrow is suitable for Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses, however, transient discolouration may occur on Kikuyu, Carpet and Queensland Blue Couch lawns.

Always test new herbicides before spraying broad areas, and wait at least 10 days to see results.

Application Rates

Application rates of 50mL/100sqm. For best results, lawn and weeds should be actively growing at the time of treatment. 500mL of Bow and Arrow can cover up to 1000sqm. Bow and Arrow is not required to be watered in after application.

Bow and Arrow is best applied with a backpack or handheld sprayer to ensure even application. Sprayer calibration is recommended. Use Wetter 600 for more effective results.

Note that when using Bow and Arrow complete weed death may take up to 6 weeks with faster results on smaller weeds.

Active Ingredients

  • Clopyralid – 20g/L
  • Diflufenican – 15g/L
  • MCPA – 300g/L


Varietal differences in certain Buffalo grasses (e.g. ST85) may produce more pronounced effects and it is recommended that small areas be tested first for lawn safety before large-scale application occurs.

MCPA is a common active constituent in many herbicides, do not mix Bow and Arrow or apply in conjunction with any other herbicides containing MCPA.

DO NOT apply Bow and Arrow if weeds or turf are under stress or when frosts are imminent.
DO NOT use Bow and Arrow if rain is expected within 4 hours.
DO NOT use clippings as mulch around other plants or for composting.
AVOID MOWING during the 3 to 4 days before and after treatment of Bow and Arrow.

Please adhere to wearing appropriate PPE gear when applying Bow and Arrow.