Thumper 1L

Price $143.00

Thumper 1L is a fast-acting insecticide that provides long residual control of Mites and Soil Borne Nematodes in lawns. With the active ingredients of Abamectin (20 g/L), Thumper is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch, Buffalo grasses.

The application rate of Thumper is 50mL/100sqm and for more effective results use with Wetter 600 – found in myhomeTURF’s Specialty Products.


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Thumper 1L is a fast-acting insecticide that provides long residual control of Mites and Soil Borne Nematodes in lawns. With the active ingredients of Abamectin (20 g/L), Thumper is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch, Buffalo grasses.

The application rate of Thumper is 50mL/100sqm and for more effective results use with Wetter 600 – found in myhomeTURF’s Specialty Products.

Apply Thumper with a ground boom spray or low-pressure hand wand and to be effective Thumper requires thorough spray coverage. Please adhere to wearing appropriate PPE gear when applying Thumper.

Do not apply when unusually hot conditions are present or expected within 24 hours after application, or under poor or slow drying conditions.

Best results are achieved if applied as Mite populations begin to build rather than at the peak of population growth, as pest damage can be avoided with early season applications. Generally, Thumper Insecticide takes approximately 7 – 10 days to reach maximum mite control.

For best application results when applying Thumper for Mite control, ensure even application occurs over all leaf areas. The Mites feed on the Thumper Insecticide which affects their nervous system.

Best results of Soil Borne Nematode control are when Thumper is applied during the early curative situation – a second application is usually required 14 days later.

For best application results when controlling Soil Borne Nematodes, Thumper Insecticide must be applied evenly through the soil profile with rainfall / watering following an application to achieve contact with the Soil Borne Parasitic Nematodes.

The nematodes absorb Thumper Insecticide through contact. By incorporating Thumper Insecticide into the soil profile, it moves alongside the growing roots protecting the plant from nematode attacks.

Please note

  • Do not apply Thumper if rainfall is imminent.
  • Do not apply if forecast for heavy rain or storms are likely to cause runoff.
  • Do not apply through any type of watering system or ultra-low volume spray system.
  • Do not store a mixed suspension of Thumper Insecticide for more than two days, otherwise significant breakdown may occur.
  • Do not by backpack application.
  • Do not apply by hand gun sprayer.
  • Do not apply with a nozzle height greater than 50 cm above the ground.

*Please note all prices include GST.

*As with all lawn products please read the label on Thumper 1L first before applying.