Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg

Price $47.30

Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg is an efficient Soil Amendment with a coarse grading of between 1-2mm and an active ingredient of Gypsum (Calcium sulfate).

The prime function of Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm is to correct soil calcium levels and assist in soil flocculation with an application rate of between 5Kg-10Kg/100sqm.

Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses.


Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg Information 

Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg is a granular Soil Amendment recommended for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses and has the active ingredient of Gypsum (Calcium sulfate).

This granular product acts as a Soil Amendment by correcting soil calcium levels and assisting in soil flocculation.

**As with all lawn products please read the label on the Gypsum Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg product first before applying.