How to Control & Treat Lawn Algae: A Quick Guide

How to Control & Treat Lawn Algae: A Quick Guide

Lawn algae can be a frustrating sight for any homeowner striving for a pristine yard. Not only does it detract from the aesthetic appeal, but it can also indicate underlying issues with lawn health. To tackle this problem effectively, TurfBreed’s Turf Manager Nathan Tovey shares his invaluable insights into preventing and managing lawn algae, providing the top five tips to stop algae from wreaking havoc on your lawn.

1. Proper Lawn Maintenance 

lawn mowing in shade

“Proper lawn maintenance is the cornerstone of algae prevention.”

This includes regular mowing, watering, and fertilising. Keeping the grass at the appropriate height (usually about 1.5 – 4 cm) discourages algae growth by promoting healthy turf density. Moreover, watering deeply but infrequently encourages deep root growth, making the grass more resilient against algae invasion.

2. Improve Drainage

water pooling on lawn.

“Tackling drainage issues is crucial in preventing algae growth.”

Poor drainage leads to water pooling, creating a conducive environment for algae to thrive. Aerating the soil and ensuring proper grading can help alleviate drainage problems. Additionally, incorporating organic matter into the soil enhances its structure, promoting better water absorption and reducing surface runoff.

3. Minimise Shade & Increase Air Circulation

“Lawn algae thrives in shaded, damp areas.”

Trimming overhanging branches and strategically pruning nearby shrubs can allow more sunlight to reach the lawn, inhibiting algae growth. Moreover, improving air circulation by thinning out dense foliage and avoiding overcrowding of plants prevents moisture buildup, further deterring algae infestation.

4. Adjust Nutrient Levels 

“Balanced nutrient levels are essential for a healthy lawn.”

Excessive nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium can create an imbalance, promoting algae proliferation. Conducting soil tests can help determine nutrient deficiencies or excesses, allowing for targeted fertilisation. Opt for slow-release fertilisers and follow recommended application rates to avoid overfeeding the lawn, which can fuel algae growth.

According to Nathan it is important to maintain soil health, “ensuring the correct pH level of the soil is crucial in avoiding lawn algae”. Lawn algae loves Acidic soil, or soil with a low pH. 

Recommended Products for Lawn Algae

Lime Granular Greens Grade 1-2mm 25kg is Calcium Carbonate that can be applied to soils deficient in Calcium or when the soil’s pH level is acidic.

Lime Granular Coarse Grade 1-2mm 25kg is suitable for use on KikuyuZoysia and Buffalo grasses.


Control Lawn Algae with myhomeTURF

Combating lawn algae requires a proactive approach encompassing proper lawn maintenance, drainage improvement, sunlight optimisation, nutrient management, and the implementation of natural controls.

By following these top five tips recommended by TurfBreed’s Turf Manager Nathan Tovey, homeowners can effectively stop algae from encroaching on their lawns, ensuring a lush green yard that is both visually appealing and healthy for the long term.  

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