Couch Grass- Your Guide
Couch grass, sometimes referred to in other markets as ‘Bermuda Grass’ and less frequently by its scientific name Cynodon dactylon, has been a staple of the Australian lawn ...
Stadium® turf is bred for both the homeowner and sporting arena and is the darkest green Couch available. Stadium turf stays naturally dark green even with low fertiliser application compared to other Couch types. In warm, humid conditions Stadium turf copes extremely well and has no major thatch issues – meaning less maintenance.
Stadium Couch’s slower leaf growth characteristic add to it being a low maintenance grass. As Stadium grass has very little seed head it requires minimal mowing – less maintenance. Aiding Stadium Couch’s quick recovery from damage and wear is its fast and aggressive runner growth and a good dense stolon base.
In fact, Stadium turf has been bred exclusively to suit high or very high traffic areas. And it doesn’t just perform well – Stadium Couch looks and is soft to touch under foot.
Stadium grass has a high drought tolerance.
It is Stadium turf’s natural vigorous survival characteristics and its large numbers of underground runners which support the lawn during drought conditions.
Following a dry spell, Stadium Couch is quick to re-establish once water is available, making it ideal for areas prone to water restrictions.
Stadium grass has a fast spread runner growth making it quick to recover from wear and tear.
Its roots are just deep enough to be under the wear zone, but not too deep that they take a long time to re-shoot.
Compared to other Couch varieties, Stadium turf has slower upward leaf growth making it lower maintenance – less mowing and edging.
Stadium grass also has minimal seed head production, meaning lower maintenance.
Stadium turf has good density without the thatch problems that hurts the performance of other Couch varieties in warm, humid climates.
And, with Stadium grass’ low to moderate thatch levels it means less scalping after mowing.
Stadium Couch’s slow upward leaf growth means less mowing
Stadium turf scalps less than other Couch varieties it this also means a reduction in mowing schedules.
During the hot months, it is recommended your mow your Stadium turf every 7-10 days – depending on how manicured you want your lawn to look.
During the cold months mow your Stadium grass every 3-6 weeks.
The mowing height for Stadium turf will vary from 10mm to 30mm.
Water thoroughly and regularly after the Stadium turf has been laid to encourage a deep and vigorous root system.
Once the root system is fully established, water your Stadium Couch thoroughly only when needed (when a slight wilting is visible).
During summer water your Stadium turf about every 7-10 days (on sandy soils more often) and with much less water in cooler months.
If water restrictions occur and the Stadium grass is fully established then it may brown off slightly but will green-up when you can water again, or it rains.
The best time to water your Stadium grass is in the early morning.
Remember, that infrequent deep watering promotes a healthy Stadium turf.
To remain strong and healthy you do need to fertilise your Stadium grass.
It is important to use a slow release fertiliser on your Stadium Couch one month after laying.
Once your Stadium turf is established you should fertilise at least twice a year using a slow release fertiliser – firstly in summer/autumn and again in spring.
If your Stadium Couch needs a quick green-up then apply a high nitrogen fertiliser.
In the heat of summer avoid over fertilising your Stadium grass or using manure-based products.
If weeds infest your Stadium turf, then hand eradicate before the seed head develops or apply a suitable weedicide available from your local garden centre.
Stadium grass is more tolerant to a wider spectrum of herbicides compared to other grasses – such as Buffalo.
With less thatch, Stadium turf is less susceptible to moisture-related diseases.
In terms of pests being found in Stadium grass, watch for Lawn Grub (for example, Web Worm or Army Worm) and African Black Beetle.
If necessary, apply suitable pesticides to your Stadium turf according to the label’s directions.
Stadium grass can be laid any time of the year in Brisbane and northern Queensland. In other areas, Stadium turf prefers to be installed when the weather is not too cold.
Avoid laying in the following months – please note this is only a guide.
Stadium turf can be found in Queensland and New South Wales. Your local Grower suppliers can easily be found with our online supplier locator tool.
Price wise and for a low maintenance Couch, Stadium costs between $8 and $14 per square metre. To get more Stadium Couch pricing info, visit our Stadium® Sports Couch info page and get 3 quotes from your local growers today.
myhomeTURF’s Certificate of Authenticity provides you with the confidence and satisfaction that you have bought the genuine variety from our licenced farmers. Don’t forget to ask for your own certificate when you have purchased your new law – and enjoy!
Maintenance: Stadium turf has very low maintenance requirements meaning less mowing.
Water efficiency: Stadium Couch is an efficient water user and highly drought tolerant –ideal for areas of low rainfall or council restrictions.
Wear tolerance: Stadium turf’s fast runner growth means it copes extremely well under tough wearing conditions.
Colour: Stadium turf retains a dark green natural colour in poorer quality soils or where nutrition is low.
Thatching: Stadium grass has low to moderate thatching compared to other highly thatched prone Couch varieties.
Shade tolerance: Stadium grass has low to moderate shade tolerance.
Bow and Arrow 500mL is one of the most effective broad leaf liquid herbicides on the market. Suitable for Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses however transient discolouration may occur on Kikuyu, Carpet and Queensland Blue Couch lawns. Always read the safety directions and instructions on the product label before use.
SHOP NOWLawn Pride Maintain 26-2-9 + 3.4 Fe 20kg is one of the most popular granular all-round lawn fertilisers on the market with the active ingredients of Nitrogen (N – 26), Phosphorus (P – 2), Potassium(K – 9) and Iron (Fe – 3.4). Suitable for Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses. Always read the safety directions and instructions on the product label before use. Always read the safety directions and instructions on the product label before use.
SHOP NOWAcelepryn GR 10kg Bag provides unmatched granular seasonal control against seasonal Long Grub and Caterpillar control in one single application. Suitable for Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses. Always read the safety directions and instructions on the product label before use.