Complete lawn site preparation checklist

Complete lawn site preparation checklist

When preparing to lay your new lawn good site and soil prep ensures a good result BUT great site and soil prep ensures a GREAT RESULT – the importance of preparing the site cannot be overemphasised.

For optimum growth your new lawn needs four things, three of which are obtained from the soil:

  • Sunlight
  • Air
  • Water
  • Nutrients

Overall preparing your site for your new lawn is easy as long as you follow some basic steps.

  • Eliminate all existing grasses or weeds: spray with a recommended weed killer; for Couch use Fusilade Forte (Fluazifop-p) and for all other weeds, including Kikuyu, use Roundup (Glyphosate). Wait seven days after the first spray and then water to germinate any other weeds. If needed, repeat spraying and wait a further 14 days.
  • Clear the area: By removing all rocks, building debris, dead lawn and weeds.
  • To avoid drainage problems: Ensure the soil gradient slopes away from your house foundations or pathways.
  • Install water reticulation: Test the output and coverage. However now is the time to consider installing a watering system before you rake your soil. There are two types of watering systems you could select – a traditional sprinkler-based system or a drip watering-system. A automatic watering system will give you a greener, thicker lawn and save time and water.
  • Evaluate your soil type: Heavy clay soils can be improved by adding large quantities of composted organic manure, and possibly gypsum. Never mix just sand and clay. Sandy soils can be improved by adding water retention products (purchase from a hardware store) or mixing in a good composted, organic manure.
  • The final height of the GOOD soil: Should be at least 50mm to 100mm deep and 300mm below pathways or driveways. Level off the soil with a rake. The prepared base must be firm enough to walk on, without sinking into the surface.
  • Use a tape measure to accurately measure for your lawn order: Refer to our Measuring your lawn story for examples on how to measure your lawn site. Make sure you order 10% extra to allow for off- cuts.

Be sure to select the right lawn variety for your functional and everyday requirements. It must also be suitable for your climate and your soil type.

Learn more about our turf varieties –

Or Refer to our Quick Lawn Selection Guide to view the different lawn varieties


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