7 Common Weeds in Buffalo Grass

7 Common Weeds in Buffalo Grass

Weeds in Buffalo lawns can quickly turn your dream lawn into a nightmare. For Australian homeowners, tackling these invasive plants is essential for preserving the beauty and health of their outdoor spaces.

In this guide, we’ll explore common weeds found in Buffalo grass and provide expert advice from TurfBreed’s Expert Turf Manager Nathan Tovey on effective weed control methods. From natural remedies to herbicide applications, we’ve got you covered with the top tips you need to know to reclaim your lawn.

7 Common Weeds in Buffalo Grass

1. Onion Weed

“Onion weed is a persistent nuisance with its distinctive flat, strappy leaves and clusters of white flowers,” Nathan says. It thrives in moist, shady areas and can be challenging to eradicate due to its deep, bulbous roots. Regular hand-pulling may be effective for minor occurrences but ensure to remove the entire bulb to prevent regrowth.

myhomeTURF herbicide recommendation:  Indigo Duke 100wg.

2. Soursob

“Soursob is characterised by its bright green, heart-shaped leaves and yellow, daisy-like flowers,” Nathan says. This weed flourishes in winter and early spring, spreading rapidly through rhizomes and seeds. To control soursob, maintain a dense turf through regular mowing and overseeding, and consider spot-treating with selective herbicides if necessary.

myhomeTURF herbicide recommendation: Indigo Broad Force MA or Turf Culture Bow & Arrow.

3. Winter Grass

“Winter grass is a common cool-season annual grass weed with narrow, dark green leaves,” Nathan says. Winter grass thrives in cooler temperatures and can quickly invade Buffalo lawns if left unchecked. Mowing your lawn at the appropriate height, catching the clippings and disposing so seed is not spread can help suppress winter grass growth and minimise its impact. Selective Herbicide to control Winter Grass include 

myhomeTURF herbicide recommendation: Campbells Poa Chek.

4. Summer Grass

“Summer grass, also known as crabgrass, is an annual grass weed with coarse, light green leaves,” Nathan says. This weed thrives in warm, sunny conditions and spreads rapidly through seeds. Regular mowing, proper watering, and maintaining a dense buffalo lawn can help outcompete summer grass and prevent its establishment. The best way to prevent Summer grass infestations is with pre-emergent herbicides such as Syngenta Barricade or Turf Culture Spartan, combination products which include both fertiliser and pre-emergent herbicides such as Oxafert or Indigo Echelon Duo

5. Dandelion

“Dandelions are easily recognisable by their bright yellow flowers and toothed leaves,” Nathan says. These perennial weeds are prolific seed producers and can quickly colonise open areas in your lawn. Hand-pulling may be effective for small infestations, but selective herbicides such as Indigo Broad Force MA or Turf Culture Bow & Arrow are often necessary for larger outbreaks.

6. White Clover 

“White clover is a low-growing perennial weed with trifoliate leaves and white, ball-shaped flowers,” Nathan says. This weed thrives in nitrogen-deficient soils and can fix its nitrogen, making it a tough competitor in lawns. For control use selective herbicides such as Indigo Broad Force MA or Turf Culture Bow & Arrow.

7. Bindii

Bindii, also known as Jo-jo, is a prickly, low-growing weed with small, spiky seed pods. “This weed is notorious for its painful prickles, making it a nuisance for barefoot walkers,” Nathan says. Hand-pulling may be effective for small patches, but selective herbicides are recommended for larger infestations. For control use selective herbicides such as Indigo Broad Force MA or Turf Culture Bow & Arrow.

How to Take Care of Weeds in Buffalo Grass Naturally

Hand Pulling

Hand-pulling is effective for minor weed occurrences but may be challenging for weeds with deep roots like onion weed. “You need to make sure you remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth and consider using a weeding tool for better leverage,” Nathan says.

Regular Maintenance 

“Regular maintenance practices such as mowing, fertilising and watering are crucial for weed suppression,” Nathan says. Mowing your lawn at the appropriate height shades out weed seeds and promotes dense turf growth which outcompetes weeds.

How to Kill Weeds in Buffalo Grass Using Herbicides 

Selective vs. Non-Selective Herbicides 

“Selective herbicides target specific weed species while sparing desirable grasses, making them ideal for Buffalo lawns,” Nathan says. Products such Indigo Broad Force MA or Turf Culture Bow & Arrow selectively control broadleaf weeds without harming Buffalo grass. Non-selective herbicides, on the other hand, kill all vegetation and should be used with caution.

How to Apply Your Chosen Herbicides 

Apply herbicides when weeds are actively growing for optimal uptake. “You need to make sure you follow manufacturer instructions carefully and ensure to wear protective gear when handling herbicides,” Nathan says. Also, check product labels to ensure compatibility with Buffalo grass and follow recommended application rates.

myhomeTURF Pre-Emergent Herbicide Products 

Oxafert 16-2-6 20kg is a combined fertiliser and pre-emergent herbicide product for the control of Summer Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Winter Grass and Creeping Oxalis and application of an NPK fertiliser.


Echelon Duo 5kg – is a combination granular Herbicide, Insecticide and Fertiliser for the preemergent control of Summer Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Wintergrass and Creeping Oxalis. For pests, Echelon Duo offers control of African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab and Billbug. Not to forget the added benefit of fertiliser to feed turf for up to 10 weeks.


Onset 10GR is a granular pre-emergent herbicide offering up to 6-month weed germination protection from a broad range of grass weeds including Crabgrass & Summergrass, Parramatta Grass, Crowsfoot, Paspalum and Wintergrass. 5kg of Onset can treat up to 250sqm. 


Barricade 1L is a pre-emergent liquid herbicide with the active ingredient Prodiamine (480 g/L) and used to prevent weeds such as Barnyard Grass, Crab Grass, Parramatta Grass, Rat’s Tail, Summer Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, African Lovegrass, Bahia Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Paspalum, Winter Grass, Creeping Oxalis, Cudweed, Prairie Grass, Ryegrass, Sow Thistle and Willowherb. 


Spartan is one of the leading pre-emergent herbicides for the control of Crowsfoot Grass, Summer Grass, Winter Grass, Paspalum and other grassy weeds. With the active ingredient of Prodiamine (480g/L), Spartan is suitable for use on Zoysia, Kikuyu, Couch and Buffalo grasses.


Control Weeds in Your Buffalo Lawn with myhomeTURF

With the insights provided in this guide, you can effectively combat common weeds in Buffalo grass and maintain a pristine lawn year-round. Remember to stay vigilant, adopt proactive weed control measures, and choose the right herbicides for your lawn’s specific needs. Take action today and reclaim your lawn from invasive weeds for a healthier, more beautiful outdoor space with myhomeTURF’s online shop

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